
Revenue Job Test



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1 / 86

AUKUS is a trilateral__________ pact between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States. AUKI-JS was announced on 15 september 2021

2 / 86

The Montague Chelmsford Reforms is known as

3 / 86

Which women played , a role in Lahore Resolution:

4 / 86

Which key is used to create chart in MS Excel

5 / 86

Mercury thermometer was invented by?

6 / 86

IJS President elected through

7 / 86

How many members were in Shimla

8 / 86

Which key is used for redo in MS Word

9 / 86

The head of senate is named as ________.

10 / 86

Which function key is used for opening help?

11 / 86

F12 key in MS word is used for:

12 / 86

To vjew the website we use

13 / 86

First charter of human rights is ______

14 / 86

Washington is in which state of US:

15 / 86

Covid deaths in world till September 2021 around

16 / 86

When the temperature increases, resistance decreases in

17 / 86

Cyber secunty is related to

18 / 86

If you open the file after that you start your work that you last ends

19 / 86

The "Kissing Of the Hajr-e-Aswad" is called:

20 / 86

Pakistan won ICC ODI world cup in

21 / 86

The structure and functional unit Of the environment is known as

22 / 86

World's  highest peak "Mount Everest" is located in:

23 / 86

Mass is a same physical quantity as

24 / 86

How many countries use Euro currency?

25 / 86

If the volume of two cubes are  in the ratio 8:1, then the ratio of the edges is:

26 / 86

The atomic number of hydrogen is

27 / 86

When you open web browser which page is open

28 / 86

Which of the following is not a search engine

29 / 86

When covid delta variant discovered in india:

30 / 86

Muslim percentage in Pakistan is

31 / 86

We can add in MS PowerPoint

32 / 86

The big bang theory was proposed by

33 / 86

Who is the caretaker prime minister of Afghanistan?

34 / 86

What IS the total area of Pakistan in square kilometers?

35 / 86

World's  highest peak "Mount Everest" is located in:

36 / 86

Which Of the following is called as page to create a presentation In PowerPoint?

37 / 86

For spreadsheet which software is used

38 / 86

The color which we see when  our eyes are  closed?

39 / 86

Which of the following become first Arab country to launch Mars probe?

40 / 86

Carbohydrates are stored in plants and animals in the following respective form.

41 / 86

________ is the process that powers the Sun

42 / 86

option use to save after 10 minutes automatjcatly in MS Word

43 / 86

Specific information added on the top of the page IS called

44 / 86

When Radcliffe Award  was Announced

45 / 86

The Montague Chelmsford Reforms is known as

46 / 86

nisab on Zakat on Go is?

47 / 86

Ctrl+Shift+< is used for 

48 / 86

_______ is called the opium poppy.

49 / 86

منہ بولے بیٹے کا ذکر کس قرآن پاک کی سورت میں آیا ہے؟

50 / 86

Water and salt is produced by reaction of acid with

51 / 86

The " English Cannel" is located between which two countries

52 / 86

Which country will host OIC foreign minister meeting (48th  CFM session) in 2021?

53 / 86

Which gas is used in fire extinguishers:

54 / 86

The option is used to show a specific row or column on every printed page?

55 / 86

The tomb of Anarkali is situated in

56 / 86

What does the NOW() function return in Excel

57 / 86


In Excel, a Data Series is defined as what?

58 / 86

Which country has the unwritten constitution?

59 / 86

Who is called "Poet of East"

60 / 86

In the manufacture Of Banaspati Ghee which gas is used?

61 / 86

Allama Muhammad Iqbal delivered his famous Allanabad address in

62 / 86

The first mughal emperor babar's tomb is situated in_______

63 / 86

To wnte 2 in x: in word we use the key

64 / 86

The first Ghazwa in Islam in which Muslims fought?

65 / 86

Who was the last Governor General of East Pakistan?

66 / 86

Containment Of China is part Of foreign policy of which country?

67 / 86

When Zakat become ±IigÅtory?

68 / 86

Name the tnbe of Hazrat Haleema Saadia, the foster mother of Holy Prophet PBUH?

69 / 86

*value! Which type of error record in Excel

70 / 86

According to the Constitution of 1956 therel shall be ______legislature in country

71 / 86

Which indian muslim leader called Quit India movement  was against Muslims:

72 / 86

Which of the following used to move from one page to another

73 / 86

Eiffel tower is located in which country

74 / 86

Which command will you use in PowerPoint if you need to change the color of different objects without changing content?

75 / 86

The profession of Fatima Jinnah was

76 / 86

Which is the shortest Surah of A1-Quran?

77 / 86

. Imam-e-Dar-ul-Hijrat was a title of

78 / 86

Third World Countries means

79 / 86

3rd june plan is also called

80 / 86

Un security council to meet on _____ to discuss Afghanistan issue.

81 / 86

Who caned the name of Pakistan?

82 / 86

Which is the longest Surah Of A1-Quran?

83 / 86

8/9 write in Excel without formula then it


84 / 86

Design template option in available under

85 / 86

When Qibla changed?

86 / 86

________ is used to move the cursor one word right at a time tn MS Word

Your score is



Revenue Job Test

A revenue job typically involves roles within a company or organization focused on generating income through various channels. Revenue jobs encompass a wide range of functions, including sales, marketing, business development, and customer relationship management. Individuals in revenue roles are responsible for identifying opportunities to increase revenue streams, whether through acquiring new customers, retaining existing ones, or expanding the organization’s market reach. They often develop and implement strategies to maximize sales, negotiate contracts, manage pricing, and analyze market trends to capitalize on growth opportunities. Moreover, revenue professionals play a vital role in maintaining client satisfaction and fostering long-term partnerships to ensure sustainable revenue growth. These positions require strong analytical skills, strategic thinking, effective communication, and a keen understanding of market dynamics and customer needs.
Click here for the preparation of revenue job test 
 A revenue job test is an assessment designed to evaluate an individual’s knowledge, skills, and capabilities in generating income for a business or organization. This test typically covers various aspects of revenue generation, including sales techniques, market analysis, customer relationship management, and financial acumen. Candidates may be required to demonstrate their ability to identify sales opportunities, negotiate contracts, and develop strategies to maximize revenue. Additionally, they may be evaluated on their understanding of key financial metrics and their ability to interpret financial data to make informed decisions. Revenue job tests play a crucial role in ensuring that candidates possess the necessary expertise to contribute effectively to an organization’s bottom line.

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