political science


political science

1 / 50

Which theory of democracy attaches great importance to the economic rights
of man?

2 / 50

The Intellectual God Father’ of Behaviouralism is

3 / 50

Political science stresses the study of:

4 / 50

Which one of the following theories of democracy accords high priority to the
political rights of citizens?

5 / 50

Globalization by connecting countries leads to

6 / 50

Lord Bryce has written, “That form of government in which the ruling power of
a state is legally vested, not in any particular class, but in the members of the
community as a whole”. Which form of government he is referring to?

7 / 50

One of the major factors that have stimulated the globalization process is

8 / 50

Anthropology is restricted to the study of

9 / 50

Integration of Political Science with other Social Sciences Is a basic principle o

10 / 50

Which one of the following is not relevant to the Traditional Approach.

11 / 50

The two forms of democracy are

12 / 50

Credo of Relevance’ Signaled

13 / 50

‘Euro centrism’ as the term for an ideology was coined by whom?

14 / 50

The success of democracy depends upon

15 / 50

Behavioral approach in political science is “an attempt to make the empirical
content of political science more scientific” who said this?

16 / 50

The two words ‘demos’ and ‘Kratos’ from which democracy draws its origin
belong to

17 / 50

‘Two Treatises of Government’ Was Written By

18 / 50

“A right is a claim recognized by society and enforced by the state” who said

19 / 50

The study and analysis of preliterate societies is one of the chief concerns of

20 / 50

Economics deals with

21 / 50

Eight principles of the Behavioral Approach of political science is generally
known as:

22 / 50

‘A theory of justice ‘is the work of

23 / 50

The concept of Greek, ‘Justice’ was

24 / 50

Hobbes’s Theory of Social Contract is explained in his book

25 / 50

Removing barriers or restrictions said by the government is called

26 / 50

Who among the following said, “Liberty is the opposite of over government”?

27 / 50

Who wrote the book ‘On liberty’?

28 / 50

The social sciences lack

29 / 50

Traditional approach gives stress on:

30 / 50

. A democratic society is one in which

31 / 50

The study of human group behavior is the definition of

32 / 50

The term ‘Globalization’ was coined by

33 / 50

The social sciences were initially concerned with the consequences of

34 / 50

Who wrote the book ‘A Grammar of politics’

35 / 50

Who described democracy as “a form of government in which everyone has a

36 / 50

During the enlightenment of the 18th century:

37 / 50

The study of traits that appear in specific populations as an adaptation to a
specific environment is called

38 / 50

Psychology deals with

39 / 50

The social science that deals with human use of the natural environment is:

40 / 50

Which of the following is a permanent feature of a representative form of

41 / 50

Democracy is the rule of

42 / 50

Ethical neutrality is the opposite of

43 / 50

Objectivity means

44 / 50

What is meant by Social Justice

45 / 50

Behavioral approach in political science is “an attempt to make the empirical
content of political science more scientific” who said this?

46 / 50

The origin of democracy can be traced back to

47 / 50

The term ‘liberty’ has been drawn from the Latin term

48 / 50

Who said “Rights are those conditions of social life without which no man can
be his best self”

49 / 50

Who wrote the book ‘Politics’

50 / 50

Who defined democracy as “Government of the people, by the people, for the

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