Pakistan Studies 12 Class MCQs English

Pakistan Studies 12 STB MCQs


Pakistan Studies 12 STB MCQs English

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1 / 168

Pakistan can be divided into parts based on surface features.

2 / 168

Molana Muhammad Ali Jauhar was buried in________

3 / 168

According to the constitution, In Pakistan______ has the right to form parties

4 / 168

Objective resolution was accepted in_______

5 / 168

Allamah Iqbal presented his Allahabad address in

6 / 168

Muhammad Bin Qasim conquered Sindh in _________

7 / 168

Which province of Pakistan is called Babul Islam

8 / 168

When did the British rule started in the sub-continent.

9 / 168

He was known as Sher e Bengal.

10 / 168

It is important for state

11 / 168

Pakistan is an __________ country

12 / 168

He is the writer of Hir Ranjha

13 / 168

He was appointed as the head of boundary commission.

14 / 168

South Asian countries established this organization for mutual cooperation.

15 / 168

. According to the constitution, provision of free education is the responsibility of the government

16 / 168

Terbela Dam was built on this river

17 / 168

. The first conference of the 25 (NAM) Nations was held in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in

18 / 168

. Pakistan resolution was presented at________

19 / 168

Pakistan and Indian Border is called_________

20 / 168

There are_________ tributaries of Indus River.

21 / 168

It is the eighth five-year development plan

22 / 168

This organization was established to promote cooperation between Muslim countries.

23 / 168

What form of governance does the 1962 Constitution strengthen?

24 / 168

The first general elections in Pakistan were held this year.

25 / 168

Sindh was separated from Bombay in_________

26 / 168

Quaid e Azam presented his 14 Points in_______

27 / 168

How was the first governor general of Pakistan.

28 / 168

The meaning of word “Urdu” is

29 / 168

The agreement of river water problem is known as

30 / 168

He is the writer of Sassi Pannu

31 / 168

When was the Indus Basin agreement?

32 / 168

Pakistan became a United Nations member in

33 / 168

Jama Masjid Thatta was built by.

34 / 168

He developed a new script for Sindhi literature based on the Arabic script.

35 / 168

United Nations Organization was established in

36 / 168

Constitutional name of Pakistan is ________

37 / 168

Pakistan's first five-year economic development plan was prepared in_____

38 / 168

What percentage of people in Pakistan are dependent on agriculture?

39 / 168

The first meeting of SAARC was held at__________

40 / 168

Allamah Iqbal presented his Allahabad address in

41 / 168

He wrote about 400 books on various topics in Sindhi language.

42 / 168

The number of languages ​​spoken in Pakistan is approx.

43 / 168

These articles in the constitution of Pakistan deal with fundamental rights.

44 / 168

Mahabat Khan Masjid is located at.

45 / 168

The height is K-2 is_________meters

46 / 168

Third constitution in Pakistan was enforced in________

47 / 168

The famous poet of Mughal era is____________.

48 / 168

International Human Rights Day is celebrated on __________

49 / 168

Who has the right to access information according to the Constitution?

50 / 168

Pakistan’s first civil martial law administrator was__________

51 / 168

Partition of Bengal took place in_______

52 / 168

. He was the first to propose the idea of ​​establishing an independent and separate state

53 / 168

What percentage of Pakistan's population lives in villages?

54 / 168

Cabinet Mission was arrived in___________

55 / 168

All India Muslim League was found in_______

56 / 168

He was the first president of Pakistan?

57 / 168

Luck Now Pact was signed in

58 / 168

It is the most important in the economy of Pakistan.

59 / 168

Who play the role in the revival of Muslims after defeated in the War of Independence

60 / 168

Pakistan resolution was presented by

61 / 168

This book in Brahvi language is included in standard literature.

62 / 168

The second Islamic summit of OIC was held at

63 / 168

Round Table conferences were organized in_________

64 / 168

This city was made the capital of Pakistan after Independence.

65 / 168

In 1945 which political party was made the government in Britain.

66 / 168

Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was hanged this year

67 / 168

Balochi language is related to which ancient languages?

68 / 168

The Non-Aligned Movement adopted five principles of mutual relations as

69 / 168

He was the last powerful ruler of Mughal empire.

70 / 168

This institution is called the Upper House of Parliament.

71 / 168

The meeting of the Islamic Summit Conference is held after______ years?

72 / 168

Simla conference was held in

73 / 168

Rehman Baba was a poet of this language

74 / 168

It was inaugurated by Quaid e Azam on 1st July 1948.

75 / 168

The issue of water between India and Pakistan was resolved by

76 / 168

Objective resolution was passed under the leadership of

77 / 168

How many are the main organs of U.N.O

78 / 168

The land between two rivers is called.

79 / 168

Second Marshal Law in Pakistan was enforced in________

80 / 168

How many castes were in Hindus before the advent of Islam.

81 / 168

Bhutto made this agreement with India for the prisoners of 1971 war

82 / 168

It is the highest civil award of Pakistan.

83 / 168

According to the 1998 census, the literacy rate in Pakistan is.

84 / 168

The number of member countries of the United Nations is

85 / 168

Third Marshal Law in Pakistan was enforced in________

86 / 168

The first Mughal king was.

87 / 168

According to physical features, Pakistan is divided into physical parts.

88 / 168

________ is the head of the government in Pakistan.

89 / 168

This institution is called the Lower House of Parliament.

90 / 168

It is the headquarter of the Islamic Summit Conference (OIC).

91 / 168

Pakistan resolution was presented in_________

92 / 168

Gandara was the cultural and practical center of art.

93 / 168

Human rights department has been established in _______

94 / 168

Due to this, Pakistan is very important in South Asia.

95 / 168

East Pakistan was separated in_______

96 / 168

Ajrak is the culture of this province

97 / 168

ECO was established in

98 / 168

The highest peak of Pakistan is_________

99 / 168

This movement was started for the revival of Sultanat e Usmania.

100 / 168

The head of the state of Pakistan is

101 / 168

How many ombudsman institutions are there in Pakistan at present?

102 / 168

How many elements of state are there?

103 / 168

Second World War was fought during

104 / 168

Second World War was fought during

105 / 168

. In the 1973 constitution, they were declared as non-Muslims.

106 / 168

First constitution in Pakistan was enforced in________

107 / 168

Sir Syed Ahmad Khan started this movement.

108 / 168

It was considered as the low caste of Hindu society.

109 / 168

Shala mar Bagh is located at.

110 / 168

According to the 1998 census, the rural population of Pakistan was

111 / 168

The former name of ECO was______

112 / 168

The Indus Valley civilization is almost ________ years old

113 / 168

This game is very popular in Sindh

114 / 168

Second constitution in Pakistan was enforced in________

115 / 168

In the ancient Hindu society, the ritual of burning the widow alive with her husband's body is called

116 / 168

The number of member countries of SAARC is _______

117 / 168

It is the highest Judiciary in Pakistan.

118 / 168

Organization of Islamic conference was established in

119 / 168

Zakat system was officially introduced in the country for the first time in this year.

120 / 168

Masjid Wazir Khan is located at.

121 / 168

Sachal Sermast was a poet of this language

122 / 168

How many kilometers is the total length of Khyber Pass?.

123 / 168

Mangala Dam was built on this river

124 / 168

. Partition of Bengal was cancelled in _______

125 / 168

Badshahi Masjid Lahore was built by.

126 / 168

The judgment of boundary commission is known as

127 / 168

It is the most important quality of the culture of Pakistan

128 / 168

He was the first poet of Kashmiri language.

129 / 168

Khilafat movement was started under the leadership of

130 / 168

. In March 1942, which one of the following was sent to South Asia

131 / 168

The basis of Pakistan is________

132 / 168

The name of Pakistan was proposed in___________

133 / 168

Literature born in the evolutionary stages of any language is called

134 / 168

It is the highest military award of Pakistan.

135 / 168

The institution of Sindh Ombudsman was established in ______

136 / 168

A female ombudsman was appointed in Pakistan in ______

137 / 168

Warsak Dam was built on this river

138 / 168

Islamic revolution took place in Iran.

139 / 168

Other name of Pakistan resolution is__________

140 / 168

Lahore fort was built by.

141 / 168

He was the last viceroy of British India.

142 / 168

The Pass between Kabul and Peshawar is_______

143 / 168

He Started the quit India movement.

144 / 168

This highway is connected Pakistan and China

145 / 168

The total area of Pakistan is _________

146 / 168

. How many regions can Pakistan be divided into according to climate?.

147 / 168

How was the first P.M of Pakistan.

148 / 168

Rekhta is the old name of this language.

149 / 168

Jamia milia was founded in.

150 / 168

_______is the largest river of Pakistan.

151 / 168

He compiled the first Diwan of Urdu.

152 / 168

He was the first President of AIML.

153 / 168

Pakistan became the member of (NAM) Non-Aligned Movement in______

154 / 168

This new art was born after the advent of Muslims in South Asia.

155 / 168

First Marshal Law in Pakistan was enforced in________

156 / 168

The Ombudsman investigates

157 / 168

Pakistan conducted its first nuclear explosion in this year AD.

158 / 168

How many days did the war of 1965 last??

159 / 168

Sui gas as found first in this province

160 / 168

The Pass between Chitral and Peshawar is_______

161 / 168

Pakistan and Afghanistan Border is called_________

162 / 168

This treaty was signed after ceasefire of the IndoPak war 1965

163 / 168

The first Islamic summit of OIC was held at

164 / 168

Article 9 of the Constitution describes the protection of such rights

165 / 168

How was the first governor general of India.

166 / 168

SAARC was established in_________

167 / 168

3rd June Plan was presented by

168 / 168

He presented the two nation theory for the first time.

Your score is



Pakistan Studies

Pakistan Studies
Pakistan Studies is an interdisciplinary academic field that delves into the history, culture, geography, politics, and socio-economic aspects of Pakistan. It aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the nation’s development, identity, and challenges. Through the study of Pakistan Studies, students explore the rich tapestry of Pakistan’s past, from the ancient civilizations of the Indus Valley to the modern-day struggles for democracy and socio-economic progress. Topics covered often include the partition of British India, the role of key leaders such as Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the Kashmir conflict, and the evolution of Pakistan’s political landscape.
This academic discipline plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of national identity and pride among Pakistani citizens. By examining the diverse cultural heritage, religious traditions, and linguistic diversity within Pakistan, students gain a deeper appreciation for the country’s multicultural fabric. Moreover, Pakistan Studies serves as a platform for critical analysis and reflection on contemporary issues facing the nation, such as poverty, extremism, and human rights. Through a multidisciplinary approach, Pakistan Studies equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute positively to the country’s development and progress.

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