Pakistan Studies 10 mcqs Sindh Board


Pakistan Studies Matric mcqs Sindh Board

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Pakistan is divided into ____climatic regions

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. Professional Education includes _________and _____fields

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._______is the common languages of understanding throughout Pakistan.

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Industry is the ______of economic development.

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. Primitive man lived in small _______units

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. First Educational conference in Pakistan was held in the year ________

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Pakistan is self_______in the production of sugar

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Most of the people in Pakistan eat ______food.

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. In Baluchistan two languages ______and______ are spoken.

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The basis of faith is ____________and__________

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The long border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is called ____________


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Muslim League was established in ____

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The female literacy rates in Pakistan is _____according to 1998 census.

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. ________ are rights that are inherent in every individual by virtue of being a human being

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To keep the things at their appropriate place is called _______

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Pakistan is self -sufficient is the production of _____and_____

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Fraternity means __________

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No progress is possible without _____________

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The density of population in Sindh is _____ persons per square kilometer.

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._________________is responsible for the preparation and development of textbook in Sindh.

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Moderation in life means to __________

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The Foundation of the Constitution of 1973 was laid on the ________

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Carpet making is ______industry of Pakistan

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The Ombudsman has the same powers as this body

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_______and ____ are the important exports of Pakistan.

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. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations  in _______

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After independence the Sindh languages has made a lot of progress in ______and_______

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. Compulsory primary education act was enforced in the year _______

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Pakistan’s national language is ______

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. About_____heads of Muslims states participated in the second Islamic Summit Conference.

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The national dress of Pakistan is ________and ______

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In the preamble of 1956 constitution it was stated that _________rests with almighty Allah

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Sindh became a separate province in the year_____

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._______of the population in Pakistan is associated with agriculture

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In all the three constitution of Pakistan it has been said that sovereignty belongs to ________

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. In _______ Article of the United Nations Charter of Human Rights emphasizes the right to education

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. Sovereignty in Islam belongs to ___

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.______is the common languages of understanding throughout Pakistan.

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. Balochistan has an area of ___________ square kilometers

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The people elect their representative by _______

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. The Protection of Women Act was passed in

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The people involved in a number of tasks are called ____________

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The basis of the ideology of Pakistan is _________

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Mountain forests are formed in ___________

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The first step of formal system of education in Pakistan ____

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Shah Hussain was a great ________ poet.

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The climate of the upper indus plains of Pakistan is ___________

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. People of the northern region in Pakistan perform _________activates during winter

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The sources of Islam ideology are _________and_________

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. Quaid-e-azam said that _____and_________were the two separate social system

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. In democracy there is ______________and freedom of expression

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Bangladesh was recognized by Pakistan during the ______Summit

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Character is ________of habits.

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. In Pakistan ___languages are spoken.

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Islam is the most democratic _________

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Government is making efforts to established an ___________society in Pakistan

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The first Constituent assembly of Pakistan was dissolved by _________

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The last census in Pakistan was held in the year ______

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The coastal area of Pakistan are _______and______

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The institution of ombudsman is generally considered as__________

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. National interest should be __________over personal interest

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Allama Iqbal started about the ideology of Pakistan in his presidential address at_________in __

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The biggest salt mine in the world in Pakistan’s_________province

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In the south west of Pakistan _____is our neighboring country

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.________________is the main problem of Pakistan.

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.___________is the main problem of Pakistan

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Hub and Lyari rivers flow in _______________range of maintain

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. The majority of Pakistan live in _____areas

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Pakistan’s culture is ______cultures.

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. The water evaporation is about ____in the atmosphere

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Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated in the month of________

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The two great poets of Balochi are ______________and____________

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Total population of Karachi according to the 1998 census is __________

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After it was established, Pakistan needed a __________

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The natural gas was first found in Pakistan at a place called __

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The word FATA  means ________

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The Christians celebrate ___________on ________________

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Shah Waliullah died in the year_______

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A single massage of________and___________has been conveyed by our saints in different languages

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. Economic development leads to ____

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Muslim League was established in Balochistan by__________

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Pakistan was established on the___ of Ramadan.

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Water maintains ___of the total weight of human body

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Sialkot is famous for ______goods.

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The soil formed from the flooded layers of salt and loam is called __________

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