Micro biology


Micro biology

1 / 50

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is differentiated from other atypical mycobacteria by______________?

2 / 50

Which of the following is an acid-fast bacillus_____________?

3 / 50

Virus is cultured in_______________?

4 / 50

Anti HBsAB indicates______________?

5 / 50

Which organism causes prosthetic valve endocarditis within 60 days of surgery________________?

6 / 50

True about HIV are all except______________?

7 / 50

The antigen used in Weil Felix test is obtained from________________?

8 / 50

True about Toxaplasma gondi is, it is carried by_______________?

9 / 50

In falciparum malaria, causes of anemia are due to all except__________________?

10 / 50

Staphylococci typically occur in_________________?

11 / 50

Malaria pigment is________________?

12 / 50

T cells multiplication is stimulated by_______________?

13 / 50

Endotoxins are produced by________________?

14 / 50

In which of the following immunization is given after infection is started________________?

15 / 50

The small nonparticulate protein leading to enhanced replication of HBV as well as HIV is______________?

16 / 50

The most frequently encountered clostridial species in gas gangrene is______________?

17 / 50

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is best demonstrated by_________________?

18 / 50

Prions true is____________?

19 / 50

EBV is responsible for all except______________?

20 / 50

Cold sterilization refers to the process of sterilization by use of____________________?

21 / 50

Probiotic organism used_________________?

22 / 50

Candida is most often implicated in causation___________________?

23 / 50

Bacteria acquire characteristics by all of the following except___________________?

24 / 50

Bacteria reproduce mainly by______________?

25 / 50

The mechanism by which most fungi caused disease is ________________?

26 / 50

Immunoglobulin implicated in atopy and anaphylaxis is_______________?

27 / 50

All are true about legionella pneumophilia except______________?

28 / 50

Sterilisation control for moist heat is “or” The efficacy of the moist heat sterilization technique commonly used to sterlilize laboratory ware and culture media is tested by using_______________?

29 / 50

Phage conversion is required for________________?

30 / 50

The culture media for fungus is__________________?

31 / 50

The bacterial cell wall has all of the following properties except______________?

32 / 50

Aflatoxins are produced by________________?

33 / 50

Which of the following is true about pasteurization ?

34 / 50

Serological study for prevalence of Hepatitis B is best done by______________?

35 / 50

Immunoglobulin consists of________________?

36 / 50

When horse serum is injected intravenoulsy in to a rabbit and again in to the skin two or three weeks later, what is the necrotizing reaction that occurs as the site of the second injection________________?

37 / 50

patients with organ transplants are most frequently infected with______________?

38 / 50

Cytopathic effect is shown by_____________?

39 / 50

False +ve for VDRL is seen in______________?

40 / 50

Among The infectious diseases transmitted by food, one is___________________?

41 / 50

Bacterial species which is protective or beneficial to the host is_______________?

42 / 50

IgG antibodies have a half-life of approximately_______________?

43 / 50

The spirochete which is associated with fusospirochetosis is______________?

44 / 50

Gram -ve bacteria stain during gram staining____________?

45 / 50

Bacteria with potent exotoxin is_______________?

46 / 50

dentist suffred from Hepatitis B infection 3 months back. His laboratory tests are normal but he is not allowed by the medical board to do surgical practice. He is_____________?

47 / 50

Which of the following viruses does not infect salivary glands ?

48 / 50

Culture medium for corynebacterium diphtheria______________?

49 / 50

Phospholipid used to investigate syphilis by the reagin test is________________?

50 / 50

Which is type II hypersensitivity ?

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Micro Biology

Microbiology, a cornerstone of biological sciences, delves into the microscopic world of bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and other microorganisms, unlocking profound insights into their roles in ecology, health, and industry. At its core, microbiology explores the intricate interactions between micro organisms and their environments, shedding light on fundamental processes like nutrient cycling, decomposition, and symbiosis. Through advanced techniques such as microscopy, molecular biology, and bioinformatics, microbiologists unravel the mysteries of microbial diversity, evolution, and adaptation, paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries that revolutionize medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology. Click here for microbiology test preparation 
Furthermore, microbiology serves as a linchpin in understanding and combating infectious diseases, as well as in developing novel strategies for disease prevention and treatment. By elucidating the mechanisms of pathogenesis, microbiologists identify vulnerabilities in microbial pathogens, leading to the development of vaccines, antibiotics, and antiviral drugs. Moreover, microbiology plays a pivotal role in environmental conservation and bioremediation efforts, harnessing the metabolic capabilities of microorganisms to remediate pollutants and restore ecosystems. From the depths of the ocean to the confines of the human gut, microbiology unravels the intricate tapestry of microbial life, offering profound insights into the fundamental workings of the natural world and shaping our understanding of life itself.
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