Mdcat Computer


Mdcat Computer

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The purpose of input device is ?

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WAN stands For

3 / 50

There are basically register ?

4 / 50

The main unit of computer is

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Auxiliary Storage are ——— Memory ?

6 / 50

The main unit of computer is

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The most common type of printer is

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——– are close to human languages ?

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LBA Stands for ——— ?

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Plotters can be generally divided into ——— categories namely ——– ?

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The Type of memory, which is permanent and retains data even the compute is turned off.

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Arithmetic, logic unit of a computer system perform ?

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Punched car was invented By ?

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1K Byte = ———- Bytes.

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Screen Output is known as ?

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The Following are the input devices ?

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Bus is a set of ——— that is used as a communication path ?

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A port or interface that can be used for communication , in which only 1 bit it transmitted at a time is called ?

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The main unit of computer is

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A Large Memory Can Further be installed , Known as ———- ?

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There are ——— typical component of CPU, namely ——– ?

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Computer can transmit all the information to transmission media as series of binary bits ?

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There are ——— buses, namely ———– ?

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The extension .exe represents

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Which port is reliable ?

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The CD-Writer performance is measured in ———- unit ?

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Which one Short key used to find in Ms Word ?

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Computer Means ?

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Standard keyboard has function keys ?

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The Mouse is a primary input device but lack the ability to easily transmit ?

31 / 50

There are ——— buses, namely ———– ?

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Which one is not a web browser ?

33 / 50

Computer ear is divided into ——— ages ?

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Which one of the following is not a valid memory unit

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——— translates one instruction at a time ?

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Which one is the brain of computer ?

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The device which provides display to users, is

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MS Excel is a(an)

39 / 50

CPU stands for ?

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Laser Printer and ink-jet printers are example of ?

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Smallest unit of the memoray is ——–.

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The read/write heads of hard disk drive, floppy disk drive and tape drive contain electromagnets.

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——— Is a pre-programmed memory.

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Irregular data can accessed on magnetic tap

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Where engineering applications ar used and precision is mandatory, we use ——– for printing ?

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The Main memory used in 1st Generation is ?

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Printer resolution is usually measured in ?

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Ram is —— Memory

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Each byte is the combination of ——– small unit called bits ?

50 / 50

Each box of memory has ——- address.

Your score is


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