Mdcat Chemistry


Mdcat Chemistry

1 / 50

Ice and water are forms of matter?

2 / 50

The Pascal meter square is equal to

3 / 50

Because gases adopt the shapes of the container, they have?

4 / 50

Melting point of a substance is a?

5 / 50

Burning is a process?

6 / 50

The temperature scale showing the freezing point of water as 0° is called

7 / 50

The volume of a mixture of gases is related to the volume of individual gas

8 / 50

The total pressure of a mixture gases is that of individual gases

9 / 50

Boiling point of a liquid is a?

10 / 50

Ice and water are merely different states?

11 / 50

When gases are allowed to expand, suddenly they

12 / 50

A substance that is composed of more than one substances but not in fixed ratio is?

13 / 50

The volume of a mixture of gases is related to the volume of individual ga

14 / 50

If a substance undergoes a chemical reaction, its properties change are?

15 / 50

Molecular of gas can?

16 / 50

Pressure of the gas molecules per unit area is

17 / 50

Chemistry is the study of?

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When breaking of chemical bonds occur in a reaction, new substances?

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A sample of pure matter is also called?

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Atoms are the building blocks of?

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The SI unit for the measurement of pressure of gas is

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The temperature scale showing the freezing point of water as 0° is called

23 / 50

Newton per meeter square is equal to

24 / 50

Matter exists in different state?

25 / 50

When gases are allowed to expand, suddenly they

26 / 50

Physical chemistry is the?

27 / 50

When ice melts, it is a?

28 / 50

Boiling point of a liquid is a?

29 / 50

Gases occupy volume?

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If during reaction, chemical bonds of a substance break, its properties change are?

31 / 50

Volume of a gas changes with?

32 / 50

The total pressure of a mixture gases is that of individual gases

33 / 50

Matter is composed of?

34 / 50

Newton per meeter square is equal to

35 / 50

Increasing the temperature of a gas increases its

36 / 50

Properties that distinguish a substance from other but does not tell about its reaction ability will be a?

37 / 50

Increasing the temperature of a gas increases its

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Pressure of the gas molecules per unit area is

39 / 50

If the molecules of different gases do not react chemically, they can?

40 / 50

The instrument to measure the pressure of gas is called

41 / 50

The Pascal meter square is equal to

42 / 50

Gases possess a volume which is?

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Gases can be compressed by?

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A substance that is constant in composition be weight of different elements is?

45 / 50

Gaseous state is a form of matter?

46 / 50

A mixture which has substances in fixed ratio throughout is a?

47 / 50

If a property of a substance indicates its ability to react, it is?

48 / 50

The instrument to measure the pressure of gas is called

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The SI unit for the measurement of pressure of gas is

50 / 50

On compressing the gas, molecules?

Your score is


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