Jest Pedagogy


Jest Pedagogy

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The authorized person of staff performance is

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Authoritarian model is more suitable for

3 / 50

Superannuation retirement age in Pakistan is

4 / 50

The level of school administration can best be judged

5 / 50

Budgeting is an estimation of

6 / 50

In case of GPF advance , the number of installments for
refunding is

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The school policy should be determined by:

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The school headmaster are expected to

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The characteristics of good planner are

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Person who possesses qualities of leadership is

11 / 50

The smallest interacting parts of a systems are

12 / 50

Micro planning is done in

13 / 50

Coordinating , stimulating and directing the growth of
teacher is the purpose of

14 / 50

The criticism most frequently leveled at school
administration is that:

15 / 50

What does E and D Rules mean

16 / 50

The power delegated throughout an organization is

17 / 50

In POSDIR, R stands for

18 / 50

Which pension is granted to civil servant who retires in
the age of sixty

19 / 50

The school headmaster are expected to

20 / 50

What is central to administration

21 / 50

The effective supervision is indicated by

22 / 50

The father of modern theory of management is

23 / 50

The degree to which organizational resources contribute
to productivity is

24 / 50

A programme of activities which is designed to attain
educational ends is

25 / 50

The ACR cannot be initiated for the period of less than

26 / 50

S.N.E is an abbreviation of

27 / 50

The concept of inspection was first introduced in

28 / 50

Developing alternatives is a step of

29 / 50

In Pedagogy computer is used to _?

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All Govt. grants and expenditures are maintained in

31 / 50

In case of new recruitment the probation period is

32 / 50

A choice made between two or more alternative is called

33 / 50

The process of directing others, towards the
accomplishment of some objectives is

34 / 50

The cash book in maintained by

35 / 50

supervisor is one who

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Who advocated bureaucratic theory

37 / 50

Teacher salaries and allowances collectively are written in

38 / 50

The word “Pedagogy” means?

39 / 50

All financial transaction of the school occurring from day
to day is entered in

40 / 50

The individual in the group given the task of directing and
coordinating is

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Acquaintance roll is used for

42 / 50

The process of making judgment is called

43 / 50

All transaction should be enterd in which register

44 / 50

The criticism most frequently leveled at school
administration is that:

45 / 50

To motivate the other to achieve certain goals is

46 / 50

The power is concentrated in the hands of one or few
people in

47 / 50

Directing must be consistent with

48 / 50

A.D.P is an abbreviation of

49 / 50

Types of supervision encouraging variety , originality and
independent experimentation is

50 / 50

Pension is given if the retirement is after service of

Your score is


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