Jest General science


Jest General science

1 / 50

The total number of elements are discovered:

2 / 50

The Latin name of Gold:

3 / 50

A frictional force acting on an object when it moves through air is called

4 / 50

Dead sea is full of

5 / 50

Most important group of decomposers include

6 / 50

Enzymes which help in digestion if food are called

7 / 50

Earth pulls object towards center, causing it to fall

8 / 50

Mass of a substance per unit of volume is called its

9 / 50

According to pyramid of numbers number of producer is greater than number of

10 / 50

Decay is breaking down or decomposition of

11 / 50

Which of these is not a plant:

12 / 50

A change in food web to any population have effect on

13 / 50

Force can be measured by help of

14 / 50

Gastric juice is made of

15 / 50

Dry scaly skin and night blindness is caused by deficiency of

16 / 50

Carnivores and omnivores are considered as

17 / 50

In systemic diagram, force can be represented by an

18 / 50

A network of interconnected food chains is called

19 / 50

Density has ‘SI’ unit which is

20 / 50

Forces cancel each other’s effect if their size is

21 / 50

Percentage of Oxygen in atmosphere:

22 / 50

Forces can easily change the

23 / 50

Organisms which directly feed on producers are

24 / 50

A debris from rotting matter is called

25 / 50

Organisms which feed on secondary consumers are called

26 / 50

The total number of element found free in atmosphere:

27 / 50

A food chain starts with a

28 / 50

Gravitational force which acts on a body, is called

29 / 50

In order to reduce air and water resistance, objects are shaped in

30 / 50

SI’ unit of force is

31 / 50

Relationship between force, mass and acceleration is

32 / 50

Decomposers help in

33 / 50

Percentage of Nitrogen in atmosphere:

34 / 50

We write on a board with chalk without slipping on floor is due to presence of

35 / 50

A series of organism through which energy is transferred in form of food is called

36 / 50

The Latin name of silver:

37 / 50

Shapes and sizes of objects can be changed by help of

38 / 50

There occurs diminishing along food chain in amount of

39 / 50

Force can make a stationary object to

40 / 50

A force which opposes motion is known as

41 / 50

Plants—–> Caterpillar——-> birds is example of

42 / 50

Soft portion of carcass of a dead lion is feed for

43 / 50

Organisms which breakdown dead or waste matter in to simpler substances are
termed as

44 / 50

If an object is at rest, forces acting on it, are

45 / 50

Rest of dead body left after consumers feed is

46 / 50

Force of attraction between two masses is called

47 / 50

There will be a great distance in stopping a vehicle which is moving

48 / 50

Upward push acting on object which is immersed in liquid or gas partially or
totally, is called

49 / 50

Detritus is eaten by

50 / 50

A substance will float on surface of water if its density is less than

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