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which one of the following architectural features  was not brought by the turkish conquerors?

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Al beruni came to india along with

3 / 50

The tomb of babar is at (PMS 2006)

4 / 50

The most famous musician at the court of Akbar was tansen. His original name was:

5 / 50

Name the metals of the coins tanka,Shashgani and jital of the sultanate period:

6 / 50

The court language of mughals was:

7 / 50

Who among the following Sultans of Delhi has been described by the historians as the 'mixture of opposites'?

8 / 50

During the mughal period which one of the following traders first came to india?

9 / 50

Which of the following englishmen was honoured by jahangir with the title of 'khan'?

10 / 50

Bernier Visited India during the regin of :

11 / 50

timur invaded india During the regin of:

12 / 50

Under the 19th amendent the number of senior judges in the judicial comission has been raised to_____

13 / 50

The Great Granary of the Indus Valky Civilization has discovered at

14 / 50

Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?

15 / 50

The famous figure of a dancing girl found in the excavations of harappa was made up of:

16 / 50

Who was the first and the last women ruler of delhi?

17 / 50

Mughal dynasty was to bahadur Shah zafar as lodi dynasty was to

18 / 50

The coin rupia was first issued by:

19 / 50

The most famous musician at the court of Akbar was tansen. His original name was:

20 / 50

The first Muslim Invasion of India was led by:

21 / 50

Mohenjcxiaro is also known as:

22 / 50

There are similarities between the seals found at mohenjodaro and:

23 / 50

The indus valley civilization belongs to the:

24 / 50

The first muslim ruler in india was

25 / 50

Alauddin Khalji introduce market reforms:

26 / 50

When did vasco da gama come to india?

27 / 50

The indus valley civilization is known as pre-aryan civilization because of the evidence of:

28 / 50

The sultan of delhi who is reputed to have built the biggest network of canals in india was:

29 / 50

Indus valley civilization was spread over:

30 / 50

The famous poet Amir khusrau, nicknamed the "parrot of india" was the contemporary of all of the following except

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Which of the follo0wing battle was fought in 1192 AD?

32 / 50

The great bath of the indus valley civilization was discovered in:

33 / 50

The indus valley people the use of:

34 / 50

Consider the Following historical personalities

35 / 50

India's earliest contact with islam came through:

36 / 50

Who amongst the following sultans of the slave Dynasty reigned for the longest period?

37 / 50

The delhi sultanate virtually ended due to the invasion of

38 / 50

From which one of the following sites, was the famous Bull-seal of Indus Valley found?

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Which of the following rulers died while playing "Chugan"?

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The founder of the first  Afghan dynasty in india was:

41 / 50

Who among the following was not a slave before he became a king?

42 / 50

Who laid the foundation of the first independent Turkish kingdom in india?

43 / 50

The first indian ruler to organise Haj pilgrimage at the expense of the state was:

44 / 50

Babar came to india originally from ________

45 / 50

Rice civilization is associated with harappan site of:

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The tools and weapons of Harappan civilization were mostly  made of:

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The main occupation of the people of the indus valley civilization was:

48 / 50

The most famous court-poet (in hindi literature) of akbar was:

49 / 50

The Arab conquest of Smh took place in:

50 / 50

The "shahnama" was written by:

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Pakistan’s history is a tapestry woven with threads of rich cultural heritage and political turmoil. The birth of Pakistan in 1947, following the partition of British India, marked a significant chapter in the region’s narrative. Led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Pakistan emerged as a homeland for Muslims in the subcontinent, offering refuge and self-determination to millions. However, the euphoria of independence was marred by the tragic communal violence that accompanied partition, leading to immense suffering and displacement. In the subsequent years, Pakistan grappled with various challenges, including political instability, wars with India, and struggles for democracy amidst periods of military rule.
Over the decades, Pakistan has undergone profound transformations, shaping its identity as a vibrant nation with diverse cultural influences. Its strategic location at the crossroads of South Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East has imbued it with geopolitical significance. Despite facing socio-economic hurdles, Pakistan has made strides in education, technology, and industry, fostering a resilient society eager to overcome obstacles. Today, as Pakistan navigates the complexities of the modern world, its history serves as a testament to the resilience of its people and the enduring quest for progress and stability amid a dynamic global landscape.
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