Education Test 6


Education Test 6

1 / 50

A successful teacher’s most important function is____________?

2 / 50

The concise Oxford Dictionary defines curriculum as a____________?

3 / 50

Progressive education emphasizes learning by___________?

4 / 50

The curriculum of educational institutes should be based on__________?

5 / 50

The skill when students try to build abstract knowledge is called__________?

6 / 50

How does an effective teacher make students attentive in class?

7 / 50

You are a famous teacher, but students are not satisfied with your teaching style. How you will teach them?

8 / 50

A written work by a student to demonstrate some literary or linguistic knowledge, is termed as_____________?

9 / 50

The __________ is a measure of how spreads out points are from the mean.

10 / 50

Learning means_____________?

11 / 50

Round Table Discussion involves:__________participants?

12 / 50

Realism is a philosophical approach that argues that ultimate reality is the world

13 / 50

The process of selecting units from a population to estimate characteristics of the population is called____________?

14 / 50

Dialectic method of inquiry was contributed by___________?

15 / 50

When the teacher checks the students work using multiple sources of information, the task is called____________?

16 / 50

The main objective of child centered teaching method is?

17 / 50

A __________ is any activity that occurs outside the classroom for the purpose of providing hands on experience with objects or people that only occur in certain places?

18 / 50

Text Book Board was recommended to establish under:___________?

19 / 50

According to the __________, S-R bonds are stronger if an individual is ready to learn.

20 / 50

in Pedagogy computer is used to____________?

21 / 50

Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistani is____________?

22 / 50

According to Emile, the noblest work in education is to make a/an___________?

23 / 50

Evaluation of the process of curriculum development should be made____________?

24 / 50

The instructional approach in which objectives are presented to learners in chronological order is known as:

25 / 50

Which of the following is an important fear causing stimuli?

26 / 50

Which types of person should enter in the field of teaching?

27 / 50

___________ is an organizing tool to help the students visualize how many
events can be tied to or contribute to a result?

28 / 50

The philosopher who for the first time taught logic as a formal discipline was__________?

29 / 50

Complexities of scoring of matching types of tests can be reduced by____________?

30 / 50

Which of the following is NOT an informal assessment?

31 / 50

The skill when students try to build abstract knowledge is called___________?

32 / 50

The extinction technique of classroom management is a technique where teacher __________ any negative behavior.

33 / 50

The theory explaining the different types of learning and proposing that they require different types of teaching is remembered as___________?

34 / 50

The idea of practical learning means education should apply to the___________?

35 / 50

A good teacher is one who

36 / 50

Curriculum development refers to the total process of curriculum?

37 / 50

The cooperative learning method which combines whole class learning plus heterogeneous small groups is termed as:

38 / 50

In case of spending money, the virtue is __________ between wastefulness and stringiness.

39 / 50

What a teaching method is?

40 / 50

Pedagogy is the study of___________?

41 / 50

Major advantage of supervised study technique is that:

42 / 50

An aspect of pragmatism is experiential learning, which says, education should come through___________?

43 / 50

The technique in which the students act out roles form stories or historical events, is termed as:

44 / 50

An assessment use to determine a person’s ability in a particular field of studies is called_________?

45 / 50

Under National Education Policy 1972, free education was recommended up-to class?

46 / 50

The book “A Brief History of Time” is written by_____________?

47 / 50

Syllabus is a part of____________?

48 / 50

Attitude can:________________?

49 / 50

All of the following are the advantages of lecture strategy except:

50 / 50

The field of study concerned with the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making is called___________?

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