


1 / 50

The fundamental assumption of democratic socialism is that_______________?

2 / 50

Which of the following is true with regard to monopolistically competitive firms scale of production and pricing decisions Monopolistically competitive firms produce ?

3 / 50

In contestable markets large oligopolistic firms end up behaving like ?

4 / 50

What is called the price that a potential buyer is willing to pay for a security ?

5 / 50

The Faisalabad is also known as ?

6 / 50

Privatisation is the transfer out ?

7 / 50

The industrial concentration ratio is the proportion of an industry’s output ?

8 / 50

Many listeners to a 1938 science fiction radio program believed that Martians were really invading the Earth They fled into the streets in panic We would call their behavior______________?

9 / 50

_________ is said to exist when the formation of a regional trading group leads to an expansion of trade above pregroup levels ?

10 / 50

If workers get a real wage increase this will likely ____ and _____?

11 / 50

The current growth rate of population in Pakistan is ?

12 / 50

A life insurance company forces Enzo to have a medical examination prior to selling him insurance ?

13 / 50

Deregulation is the reduction of government’s role in ?

14 / 50

Beyond any mortgage thereon and liability therein, the residual value of a business or property is called equity. Which of the following are also included by term equity ?

15 / 50

Which of the following country did Not suffer from increased poverty from debt and financial crises in the 1990s ?

16 / 50

_______ is needed to balancell the balance of payments statements?

17 / 50

Which statistical factor is used to convert current currency purchasing power into inflation adjusted purchasing power ?

18 / 50

Zero population growth_________________?

19 / 50

By financial crowding out economist mean ?

20 / 50

The overall poverty rate is highest among______________?

21 / 50

Which best describes a supply curve ?

22 / 50

Which of the following is FALSE? Scientific observation ?

23 / 50

Specialized socialization occurs most frequently in________________?

24 / 50

What is write-Off?

25 / 50

For the oil-importing countries, the increase in oil prices in 1970s and early 2000s contributed to all of the following except ?

26 / 50

The density of population in Sindh is ?

27 / 50

_________ is said to exist when the formation of a regional trading group leads to an expansion of trade above pregroup levels ?

28 / 50

The government can curb excessive aggregate demand(inflation)by_________________?

29 / 50

The ability-to-pay principle of taxation suggests that if a tax system is to be vertically equitable it should be ?

30 / 50

Public government agencies are________________?

31 / 50

Economic growth is depicted by ?

32 / 50

In most societies ownership of property takes one of three forms________________?

33 / 50

_________ policies attempt to foster industrialization by establishing high barriers to imports of foreign goods to promote local production ?

34 / 50

With a positive externality ?

35 / 50

Privatization refers to a range of policies including ?

36 / 50

The extra utility from consuming one more unit of a good is called ?

37 / 50

Any combination of products inside the production possibility frontier is ?

38 / 50

Urbanism is associated with_____________________?

39 / 50

Corporations and labor unions_____________?

40 / 50

To what does the phrase terms of trade refer ?

41 / 50

The primary agent of socialization is the______________?

42 / 50

Which situation has contributed most recent Japanese economic growth ?

43 / 50

A tax for which high income taxpayers pay a smaller fraction of their income than do low income taxpayers is known as ?

44 / 50

A tax system is regarded as horizontally equitable if ?

45 / 50

When the world Bank or IMF requires improved external balance in the short run the agency may condition its loan on expenditure switching that is ?

46 / 50

Which market is characterized by a small number of large buyers who control all purchases and therefore the market price of a good a service ?

47 / 50

Money has 3 main function they are __________ and __________?

48 / 50

The percentage of the labor force that is unemployed is the ?

49 / 50

In Melanesia “mana”is________________?

50 / 50

Cucumbers are almost how old ?

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