Civil Engineering


Civil Engineering

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1 / 50

Mobilization advance up to 10% of the cost of work is given to a contractor_______________?

2 / 50

At any point of a beam, the section modulus may be obtained by dividing the moment of inertia of the section by_________________?

3 / 50

An ideal flow of any fluid must satisfy ___________________?

4 / 50

For similarity, in addition to models being geometrically similar to prototype, the following in both cases should also be equal__________________?

5 / 50

Pick up the correct statement from the following?

6 / 50

Pick up the correct statement from the following?

7 / 50

A compound bar consists of two bars of equal length. Steel bar cross -section is 3500 mm2and that of brass bar is 3000 mm2. These are subjected to a compressive load 100,000 N. If Eb = 0.2 MN/mm2 and Eb = 0.1 MN/mm2, the stresses developed are___________________?

8 / 50

What is the present worth of a P500 annuity starting at the end of the third year and continuing to the end of the fourth year, if the annual interest rate is 10 % ?

9 / 50

The degree of indeterminacy of the frame in the given figure, is______________?

10 / 50

What type of bond where the corporation’s owner name are recorded and the interest is paid periodically to the owners with their asking for it ?

11 / 50

For laying a sewer line in a trench of 2 m width, an offset line is marked on the ground parallel to the given centre line at a distance of___________________?

12 / 50

A simple pendulum of length / has an energy E, when its amplitude is A. If the length of pendulum is doubled, the energy will be___________________?

13 / 50

As compared to rapid sand filters, slow sand filters give______________?

14 / 50

Return on investment ratio is the ratio of the_____________?

15 / 50

Sinking of an intermediate support of a continuous beam________________? Consider the following statements The design period of sewage treatment works in normally_________________?

16 / 50

The ratio of average velocity to maximum velocity for steady laminar flow in circular pipes is_______________?

17 / 50

Which of the following is a flexible outlet ?

18 / 50

A road of uniform cross-section A and length L force P. The Young’s Modulus E of the material, is_________________?

19 / 50

The altitudinal distance of a geostationary satellite from the earth is about_________________?

20 / 50

To avoid vaporisation in the pipe line, the pipe line over the ridge is laid such that it is not more than_______________?

21 / 50

The arrangement made for passing the sewer line below an obstruction below the hydraulic gradient lines called ____________________?

22 / 50

Pug mill is used for_______________?

23 / 50

According to the Snell’s law if an electromagnetic wave is incident in a medium (refractive index n1) on another medium (refractive index m2)________________?

24 / 50

The disease of dry rot in timber is caused by_____________?

25 / 50

In order to increase sensitivity of U-tube manometer, one leg is usually inclined by angle 9. Sensitivity of inclined tube to sensitivity of U-tube is equal to_________________?

26 / 50

If a bent tendon is required to balance a concentrated load W at the center of the span L, the central dip h must be at least________________?

27 / 50

Stoke’s law is valid only if the size of particle is________________?

28 / 50

For trunk and out-fall, the type of sewers generally used, is_____________________?

29 / 50

The range of economical spacing of trusses varies from________________?

30 / 50

The per capital consumption of a locality is affected by_________________?

31 / 50

Switch angle is the angle between___________________?

32 / 50

In a cavity wall, both leaves of which are load bearing, the effective thickness is taken as________________?

33 / 50

The damp proof course (D.P.C.) is measured in________________?

34 / 50

A one dimensional flow is one which___________________?

35 / 50

Sensitivity analysis is a study of__________________?

36 / 50

The shear strength of a soil_________________?

37 / 50

When the width of kerb parking space and width of street are limited, generally preferred parking system is________________?

38 / 50

What refers to the ratio of the interest payment to the principal for a given unit of time and usually expressed as a percentage of the principal ?

39 / 50

The effective size of sand particles used in slow sand filters is_______________?

40 / 50

If the foundations of all the columns of a structure are designed on the total live and dead load basis, then_________________?

41 / 50

In case the factor of safety against sliding is less than 1.5, a portion of slab is constructed downwards at the end of the heel slab, which is known as___________________?

42 / 50

Which one of the following is a component of a shield for tunnelling ?

43 / 50

Bottom most layer of pavement is known as_____________?

44 / 50

Loose jaws of steel trough sleepers are made of___________________?

45 / 50

The amount of residual chlorine left in public water supply for safety against pathogenic bacteria is about______________?

46 / 50

What is defined as the current assets minus inventories and prepaid expenses ?

47 / 50

If the ratio of long and short spans of a two way slab with corners held down is r, the actual reduction of B.M. is given by

48 / 50

A cylinder will slip on an inclined plane of inclination 0 if the coefficient of static friction between plane and cylinder is_____________________?

49 / 50

The horizontal component of force on a curved surface is equal to the_______________?

50 / 50

The net speed under which the turbine reaches its peak efficiency is called_________________?

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Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering
Civil engineering is  a multifaceted discipline that plays a pivotal role in shaping the built environment and infrastructure of society. It encompasses the design, construction, and maintenance of a wide range of infrastructure projects, including bridges, roads, dams, airports, and buildings. Civil engineers are tasked with ensuring that these structures are not only functional but also safe, sustainable, and resilient to various environmental factors such as earthquakes, floods, and storms. They employ principles of mathematics, physics, and material science to analyze the behavior of materials and structures, allowing them to design innovative solutions that meet the complex demands of modern society.
Moreover, civil engineering extends beyond physical infrastructure to address broader societal challenges such as urbanization, environmental degradation, and climate change. Civil engineers play a vital role in developing sustainable solutions that minimize the environmental impact of infrastructure projects while maximizing their efficiency and longevity. They work closely with urban planners, environmental scientists, and policymakers to create infrastructure systems that promote sustainable development and enhance the quality of life for communities around the world. In essence, civil engineering is not only about building structures but also about building a better future for generations to come.
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