Chemistry Subject Test 1


Chemistry Subject Test 1

1 / 50

Alcohol percentage in molasses may be around _____________________?

2 / 50

Platinum resistance thermometer is the international standard for temperature
measurement between __________________?

3 / 50

Unit of furnace loading is____________________?

4 / 50

What is the molecular weight of Ammonia (NH3) ________ ?

5 / 50

Alkyl halides undergo a type of reaction_________________?

6 / 50

The bond energy of Hydrogen molecule is__________?

7 / 50

Yellow glycerine is made into white, using____________________?

8 / 50

Residence time of methane in the atmosphere is___________________?

9 / 50

Which one of the following will be sulphonated readily ?

10 / 50

SO2 reacts with Cl in sunlight to form__________?

11 / 50

Which of the following is not the name of any scientist?

12 / 50

Othmer chart is useful in estimating the heat of_______________?

13 / 50

Enzynies that catalyze the transfer of groups within molecule are

14 / 50

_____________ paint has the minimum absorption co-efficient?

15 / 50

Example of ‘globular’ proteins is __________ ?

16 / 50

End name of enzyme is___________________?

17 / 50

Common example of carbohydrates are__________________?

18 / 50

Compounds attracted by applied strong magnetic field are

19 / 50

Coating provided on the electrodes used in the arc welding is not expected

20 / 50

Which one is not the absolute term of the element _________________ ?

21 / 50

Apparent charge on atom in molecule is___________________?

22 / 50

Catalyst used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid by chamber & contact
processes are respectively ?

23 / 50

Which of the following is a commonly used manometric liquid for low pressure
range ?

24 / 50

The material is crushed in a gyratory crusher by the action

25 / 50

How many moles of H2 are added up when benzene is heated with hydrogen in
the presence of platinum ?

26 / 50

Which of the elements do not fall in stair case of the modern periodic

27 / 50

Tetrahydroborate ion is the source of_______________?

28 / 50

Which compound will readily undergo sulphonation ?

29 / 50

Geometry of simple molecule having sp3 hybrid orbital is

30 / 50

The hydrogenation of phenol in the presence of Ni and heat

31 / 50

Very small pressure difference (< 5 mm water column) can be most conveniently measured by a/an _____________ manometer?

32 / 50

Upto ___________________ C atoms alkanes are gases?

33 / 50

_____________ pump is the most suitable device for discharging a liquid against
a pressure of ≥ 1500 kgf/cm2?

34 / 50

Which of the following can be separated by ” Sublimation Method”?

35 / 50

0.5 mole of nitrogen gas and 0.5 mole of carbon monoxide gas at STP have

36 / 50

A gas at 0°C is cooled at constant pressure until its volume becomes half the
original volume. The temperature of the gas at this state will

37 / 50

When toluene reacts with chlorine in sunlight the first major product

38 / 50

The velocity of the photon____________________?

39 / 50

At a given temperature, the volume of a gas dissolved in a solvent
_______________ with increase in pressure?

40 / 50

Optic fibres are used in :

41 / 50

For the reaction 2HI ____________> H2+ I2

42 / 50

The atomic number of an element having maximum number of unpaired
electrons in p-subshell is_______________?

43 / 50

In a heat exchanger, floating head is provided to____________________?

44 / 50

Ethers show functional group isomerism with __________________?

45 / 50

Higher percentage of ash in coal meant for the production of metallurgical
grade coke ___________________?

46 / 50

The mass of decimole of electrons (NA) is___________________?

47 / 50

Activated complex is formed due to________________?

48 / 50

Which law states that the rate of the effusion of a gas is inversely proportional
to the square root of its density?

49 / 50

First ionization potential of alkaline earth metal is greater than alkali metals

50 / 50

The term internal salt refers to_____________________?

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