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1 / 50

Suppose that out of 1000 offspring’s in the generation of a dithered cross, 748 are tall and hairy, 6 are tall and smooth, 4 are short and hairy and 242 are short and smooth. what is the explanation for this kind of ratio ?

2 / 50

The flow in the river due to the floods may be classified as _____________________?

3 / 50

Allelopathy interaction between plants playa crucial role in___________________?

4 / 50

The gradual decline over time in the value or price of one currency in terms of another as a result of market forces of supply and demand ?

5 / 50

The discharge through rectangular channel is maximum when Hydraulic mean depth m is equal to ______________?

6 / 50

World biodiversity day is celebrated on:_________?

7 / 50

A method of estimating seed vigour on the basis of color intensity o the stained seeds was described by______________?

8 / 50

The ratio of change of discharge of an outlet to the rate of change in level of water surface in distributary at its normal depth is called ____________________?

9 / 50

A descriptive term for a pregnant cow is _____________________?

10 / 50

Kundi is represented by its color which is _____________________?

11 / 50

The experimental design which controls fertility variation in two directions in
known as_________________?

12 / 50

A tax levied on the cost of a board group of products______________________?

13 / 50

All points on the production possibility curve explain__________________?

14 / 50

A branch of Horticulture dealing with the production of fruits and their distribution is called_______________?

15 / 50

International atomic weight of potassium is_________________?

16 / 50

Seed rate of cotton per acre is________________?

17 / 50

The internal & external surfaces of soil colloids are positively and or negatively charged. Mostly ____________ is dominant:

18 / 50

Approximately quantity of milk required to prepare 1 kg of cheese is_____________________?

19 / 50

The policy level of commercially cultivated seedless watermelon is__________________?

20 / 50

Green vegetables are source of _______________?

21 / 50

The net reaction of photosynthesis is_____________________?

22 / 50

The chemical formula of Dolomite is________________?

23 / 50

The sever salinity problem has taken lands out of production as___________________?

24 / 50

The value of regression and correlation is the same when the correlation between two variables is________________?

25 / 50

Art of growing crops, management of live stocks, husbandry and farming is called________________?

26 / 50

Hereditary variations in plants have been produced by the use of________________?

27 / 50

Clay and humus particles are referred to as colloids and are less than 0.002mm. Due to their small size, colloids have ________________ surface area which provides surface for adsorption, catalysis, precipitation and microbial colonization:

28 / 50

Approximately caloric value in Kcal/100 g of almond is__________________?

29 / 50

Ants butterflies, wasp, moths have type of legs ______________________?

30 / 50


31 / 50

A mature ovule is known as _________?

32 / 50

central part of animal body is called _______________________?

33 / 50

Most common rocks, after exposed to weathering which cover about ______% 0f the earth

34 / 50

In random mating population gene frequencies remain constant generation after generation in the absence of__________________?

35 / 50

The use of the resources of an individual or firm, a region, or a nation to produce one or a few goods and services?

36 / 50

Productive investments embodied in human persons?

37 / 50

Which hormone cause moulting in insect_________________?

38 / 50

In flood rice, snail feed on bacteria called__________________?

39 / 50

Electrical conductivity of saturated paste is written as____________________?

40 / 50

A plant part which provides top and fruit bearing surface is called__________________?

41 / 50

The environment where an organism lives is__________________?

42 / 50

Drought is measuring in terms of________________?

43 / 50

Nutritive elements needed in large quantities to ensure normal plant development:

44 / 50

The globulin in the colostrums is considered to have _____________________? A. Antigen B.

45 / 50

The number of calories of heat required to change the temperature of one Kg of a substance is called____________________?

46 / 50

Animal of same species having same size, shape, color are called_______________?

47 / 50

Diversity of animals and crop species in different ecosystems is called as_______________?

48 / 50

Scurvy is a disease which is due to the deficiency of _____________________?

49 / 50

How many mitouc divisions will take place to produce 512 cells from a single parent cell_________________?

50 / 50

Losses of soil moisture vapour form is called as_________________?

Your score is




Agriculture serves as the bedrock of human civilization, intertwining with our existence since the dawn of time. It embodies the profound relationship between humanity and the land, encompassing a myriad of practices from cultivating crops to raising livestock. Through agriculture, societies have flourished, sustaining populations, shaping cultures, and driving economic development. It not only fulfills our basic needs for sustenance but also acts as a catalyst for progress, innovation, and interconnectedness. From ancient agrarian civilizations like Mesopotamia and Egypt to modern industrialized farming systems, agriculture has evolved significantly, adapting to changing climates, technologies, and societal demands. Today, agriculture stands at a crucial juncture, tasked with feeding a burgeoning global population while mitigating environmental impacts and ensuring sustainable practices for future generations.
Furthermore, agriculture extends beyond mere food production, encompassing diverse sectors such as forestry, horticulture, and aquaculture, each playing a pivotal role in global food security and environmental stewardship. Sustainable agricultural practices strive to strike a delicate balance between meeting present needs and safeguarding the planet’s finite resources for the future. Innovations in precision farming, genetic engineering, and sustainable land management offer promising solutions to enhance productivity while minimizing ecological footprints. Moreover, agriculture fosters rural livelihoods, serving as a cornerstone of many economies worldwide. As technology continues to revolutionize the agricultural landscape, there lies immense potential to harness its power for fostering resilient food systems, combating hunger, and addressing pressing global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss.
In addition to its foundational role in providing sustenance and driving economic prosperity, agriculture serves as a conduit for cultural preservation and biodiversity conservation. Traditional agricultural practices handed down through generations encapsulate rich cultural heritage, weaving stories of resilience, adaptation, and community cohesion. Indigenous farming techniques, for instance, not only sustainably harness local ecosystems but also offer valuable insights into harmonizing human activities with nature. Moreover, agriculture acts as a custodian of biodiversity, nurturing diverse plant and animal species essential for ecosystem health and resilience. Agroecological approaches, such as polyculture and agroforestry, embrace this diversity, promoting natural pest control, soil fertility, and resilience to environmental stresses. As the custodians of the land, farmers wield immense power to safeguard biodiversity hotspots, preserve indigenous knowledge, and foster ecological harmony, thereby ensuring the long-term viability of agricultural systems and the ecosystems they inhabit.
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