Active passive


Active passive

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1 / 50

Hassan will write the letter

2 / 50

some boys were helping the old wounded man

3 / 50

It is time to start the match

4 / 50

The doctor was examining him

5 / 50

Men all over the world love money

6 / 50

The romans expected to conquer Egypt.

7 / 50

Why did your brother write a such letter

8 / 50

He wont have bought the books before I meet him

9 / 50

The masson is building the wall

10 / 50

they will have finish their work by ten

11 / 50

people said that democracy is better form of government.

12 / 50

Why do the children makes a noise?

13 / 50

we play hockey in the afternoon

14 / 50

The police arrested the kidnapper last night

15 / 50

Aizaz will write a letter

16 / 50

She recites the Holy Quran daily

17 / 50

Do not disturb him for nothing.

18 / 50

The teacher had given the boys a quiz before I entered in class

19 / 50

How writes a letter to you every month?

20 / 50

Heat dissolves ice into water

21 / 50

They showed the visitors the historical monuments of  lahore.

22 / 50

We hope that we shall win the match

23 / 50

Who is bothering you

24 / 50

People claim to have seen the suspect in several cities

25 / 50

I saw him leaving the house

26 / 50

I killed a snake with a stone in my dream last night

27 / 50

Will the people accept your explanation?

28 / 50

they fought a battle in the plain of panipat

29 / 50

someone had picked my pocket

30 / 50

He will finish the work in the fortnight

31 / 50

The police will soon arrest the murderer

32 / 50

we are playing cricket

33 / 50

How many letter have you written since the beginning of the month

34 / 50

I shall write a letter

35 / 50

People speak English all over the world

36 / 50

Heavy rainfall damage the crops

37 / 50

circumstances will oblige me to go

38 / 50

He has seen this picture

39 / 50

All his friend laughed at him

40 / 50

Somebody will give you a helping hand

41 / 50

Boys will have play the cricket before the sunsets

42 / 50

We shall inform you tomorrow

43 / 50

people say that honesty is the best policy but they seldom act upon it

44 / 50

The residents celebrate the independence day

45 / 50

Ali had given him a present

46 / 50

How did he obtained good mark in English?

47 / 50

Who rings the bell?

48 / 50

Why did you discourage them?

49 / 50

I have been invited to a prty

50 / 50

The police will soon arrest the murderer

Your score is



Active Passive

Active Passive
Active Passive voice has very important place in English grammar .Active  passive voice are two ways to structure a sentence, and they refer to the relationship between the subject, verb, and object in a sentence.
  1. Active Voice:

    • In an active sentence, the subject performs the action.
    • The structure is usually Subject-Verb-Object (SVO).
    • Example: “The cat (subject) chased (verb) the mouse (object).”
  2. Passive Voice:

    • In a passive sentence, the object of the action becomes the subject of the sentence, and the doer of the action may be mentioned or omitted.
    • The structure is usually Object-Verb-Subject (OVS) or Object-Verb (OV).
    • Example: “The mouse (subject) was chased (verb) by the cat (agent).”
Active  passive voice are two distinct grammatical structures used in English sentences. In active voice, the subject performs the action stated by the verb, while in passive voice, the subject receives the action. For example, “The dog chased the cat” is in active voice, with “dog” as the subject performing the action of chasing. On the other hand, “The cat was chased by the dog” is in passive voice, where “cat” becomes the recipient of the action. In English grammar tests, multiple-choice questions (MCQs) typically assess the understanding of active  passive voice in sentence construction. These questions often require students to identify whether a given sentence is in active or passive voice, or to convert a sentence from one voice to the other. Understanding the distinction between active  passive voice is crucial for effective communication and writing skills.
Click here for Active Passive voice examples .

 here’s a list of standardized tests in which multiple-choice questions (MCQs) about active  passive voice might be included:

1. SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test)
2. ACT (American College Testing)
3. TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
4. IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
5. GRE (Graduate Record Examination)
6. GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test)
7. CAE (Certificate in Advanced English)
8. CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English)
9. FCE (First Certificate in English)
10. PET (Preliminary English Test)

These tests assess various aspects of language proficiency, including grammar, syntax, and sentence structure, which often include questions related to active  passive voice usage.

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