International Relation


International Relation

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1 / 50

In International relations, a global system containing two dominant powers is labeled with which of the terms?

2 / 50

Which one of the following is the correct statement? In the Pluralist theory:

3 / 50

Which of the following actors is not part of the focus of international relations?

4 / 50

Modern age is an Era of _______ state

5 / 50

The largest state in terms of territory is

6 / 50

Which of the following is not one of the more prominent theories of international relations?

7 / 50

About how many states exist in the world today?

8 / 50

Objectives of international relations are to safeguard


9 / 50

Which one of the following is least relevant to the welfare view of functions of the state?

10 / 50

Constructivists trace how ideas shape identities by studying

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The idealist theory about the functions of a state is also known as

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Of the more prominent theoretical approaches, concerned with economic class

13 / 50

In the Republic, Plato argues that the ideal ruler is

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International society is regulated by

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Elements of international society can be found in

16 / 50

What was the driving force behind international relations in Europe during the 19th century?

17 / 50

According to ______ welfare state solves many problems

18 / 50

Modern State system is believed to have started with

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following is not one of the systematic ways in which individual decision-making diverges from the rational actor model?

20 / 50

The treaty of Westphalia established modern nation states system in

21 / 50

International Relations during 1648-1945 were characterized by

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The study of interactions among the various actors that participate in international politics is

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In the view of Marxists state is

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Which of the following is not a critique of behaviorism?

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_______ is base of welfare state

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A nongovernmental organization such as ______ is an organization you could join to have influence in international relations

27 / 50

The term nationality is derived from a Latin word

28 / 50

Structural theories of International Relations suggest that some states are more important than others. Which state attribute do structural theories point to in determining the influence of a state?

29 / 50

State is necessary evil is the view held by

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In the international system, the state live in what Hobbes called the

31 / 50

Emanuel Kant and John Locke provides the philosophical basis for

32 / 50

Welfare of ____ is the aim of welfare state

33 / 50

According to Quincy Write the approaches to the study of international politics are

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What is the importance of Woodrow Wilson's "Fourteen Points" to the study of International Relations? 

35 / 50

"The state exits merely because crime exists and its principles function, therefore is to protect and restrain not to foster and promote." The above statement best reflects the idea of

36 / 50

______ decentralization is characteristic of welfare state

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International relations is

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_______ is the author of History of The Peloponnesian War

39 / 50

Theory and Practice of International relations is written by

40 / 50

Consider the following statements and identify the one which is not a correct representation of Morgenthau's ideas?

41 / 50

Who among the following held the view that the "State comes into existence for the sake of life and it continues for the sake of good life"?

42 / 50

Which approach to international relations argues that states behave in structurally similar ways regardless of their regime type, geographical location and political ideology?

43 / 50

Of the more prominent theoretical approaches, concerned with power

44 / 50

Congress of Vienna took place in

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Important subject of International relations is

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About which of the following thinkers it has been said that his theory of the state is "an incongruous mixture of natural rights and physiological metaphor"?

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A Vassal State is

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Welfare state gives importance to

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Which one of the following is the most acceptable theory of the origin of the state?

50 / 50

Which one of the following is correct statement? Totalitarian State is the one which

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International Relation (IR)

International Relation
In this blog you will learn about IR Test . Study International Relations provides comprehensive insights into understanding global dynamics, including the interactions between nations and large international bodies. Referred to as international studies, global affairs, or global studies, this field spans various disciplines within humanities and social sciences.
 It primarily delves into the relationships among nation-states and major intergovernmental organizations such as the EU, UN, or WHO, covering aspects of politics, law, history, geography, and economics.
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For those intrigued by this field, pursuing studies in Europe offers a rewarding experience, allowing firsthand exposure to diverse cultures and perspectives. Numerous universities across Europe offer bachelor’s and master’s programs in International Relations, providing students with the opportunity to specialize in areas of interest within this expansive field.

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