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1 / 50

If we get a straight line with positive slope then its acceleration is

2 / 50

Horizontal component of a bouncing ball is

3 / 50

If charge stored on plates of capacitor is large, then capacitance will be

4 / 50

Hall voltage is directly proportional to

5 / 50

Acceleration of train when it is moving steadily from 4.0 m s-1 to 20
m s-1 in 100 s is

6 / 50

Combined capacitance is equal to the

7 / 50

insulator which is placed between 2 plates of capacitor is

8 / 50

Electric field strength related to hall voltage is given by

9 / 50

In order to keep a body moving in a circle, there exists a force on it that
is directed toward the center of the circle. This force is known as

10 / 50

Angular velocity of second hand of clock is 0.105 rad s-1 and length of
hand is 1.8 cm, then speed of tip of hand is

11 / 50

Hall probe is made up of

12 / 50

A rectangle-shaped open-to-sky tank of water has a length of 2 m and a
width of 1 m. If the atmospheric pressure is assumed to be 100 kPa and thickness
of the tank walls is assumed to be negligible, the force exerted by the
atmosphere on the surface of water is

13 / 50

As compared to sound waves the frequency of radio waves is

14 / 50

Electrical force exerted by two point charges on each other is inversely
proportional to

15 / 50

In transformer, alternating current is induced in

16 / 50

Generators at a power station produce electric power at voltage

17 / 50

An electron is travelling at right angles to a uniform magnetic field of
flux density 1.2 mT with a speed of 8 × 106 m s-1, the radius of circular path
followed by electron is

18 / 50

If an object moves a circular distance ‘s’ of radius ‘r’, then it's angular
displacement is

19 / 50

Phenomena in which signal transmitted in one circuit creates undesired
effect in other circuit is known as

20 / 50

An object whose velocity is changing is said to be in a state of

21 / 50

Gradient of velocity-time graph tells us about object's

22 / 50

Gravitational potential is always

23 / 50

Equation which measures alternating voltage is

24 / 50

Energy is lost in wires due to

25 / 50

Decrease in strength of signal is known as

26 / 50

As the ball falls towards the ground, its velocity

27 / 50

If a secondary coil has 40 turns, and, a primary coil with 20 turns is
charged with 50 V of potential difference, then the potential difference in the
secondary coil would be

28 / 50

Voltage signal generated by a microphone is

29 / 50

Acceleration of free fall depends on the

30 / 50

Area under current-time graph represents

31 / 50

Angle through which an object has moved is called it's

32 / 50

For an electron, magnitude of force on it is

33 / 50

Gradient of line of velocity-time graph is tells us the

34 / 50

At the end of communication system, the signal is converted from radio

35 / 50

If the plates of capacitor are oppositely charged then the total charge is
equal to

36 / 50

When ball having a projectile motion is rising up, it

37 / 50

If frequency of modulated wave is less than frequency of carrier wave,
then input signal is

38 / 50

Object moving along a circular path is

39 / 50

A stone is thrown upwards with initial velocity of 20 m s-1, the height
that stone will reach would be

40 / 50

At the fairground, the force that balances out our weight is

41 / 50

Number of degree a complete circle represents is

42 / 50

Equation of motion can be used for

43 / 50

Projectile will attain its maximum range, if it is fired at an angle of

44 / 50

If initial velocity of an object is zero, then distance covered by it in
time t and acceleration of 9.8 m s-2 would be

45 / 50

If we have a positive and a negative charge, then force between them is

46 / 50

Force on a moving charge in a uniform magnetic field depends upon

47 / 50

There are three equations of uniformly accelerated motion, the odd one
out is

48 / 50

If a student drops a stone from a cliff of height 30 m and the time it
takes to reach the ground is 2.6 s, then the acceleration due to gravity is

49 / 50

Speed of an object travelling around a circle depends upon

50 / 50

Force due to magnetic field and velocity is

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Physics Lecturer

physics lecturer
The physics lecturer stands as a beacon of knowledge and enthusiasm within the academic realm, captivating students with the intricate dance of matter and energy. With an aura of passion and expertise, they navigate the complex realm of physics with effortless clarity, translating abstract theories into tangible concepts. Armed with a deep understanding of the fundamental laws that govern the universe, they wield equations like brushstrokes on a canvas, painting vivid pictures of the cosmos. Whether unraveling the mysteries of quantum mechanics or delving into the grandeur of astrophysics, the lecturer’s lectures are not mere presentations but voyages of discovery, inviting students to embark on a journey through the wonders of the physical world.
A physics lecturer job is a dynamic and intellectually stimulating role that involves teaching students about the fundamental principles of physics, from classical mechanics to quantum theory. Lecturers in physics play a crucial role in shaping the next generation of scientists and engineers by imparting knowledge, fostering critical thinking skills, and nurturing a passion for discovery. They design engaging lectures, lead discussions, conduct laboratory experiments, and provide guidance to students as they navigate complex concepts. Moreover, physics lecturers often contribute to research activities, pushing the boundaries of knowledge in their field and bringing cutting-edge insights into the classroom. Click here for physics lecturer test preparation for job .
Beyond the classroom, a physics lecturer job offers opportunities for professional development and collaboration within academic communities. Lecturers frequently participate in conferences, publish research papers, and engage in interdisciplinary projects, enriching their understanding of physics and expanding their network of colleagues. Furthermore, by serving as mentors and advisors, physics lecturers play a pivotal role in guiding students towards successful careers in academia, industry, and beyond. Overall, the role of a physics lecturer is not only intellectually rewarding but also profoundly impactful, as they inspire and empower future generations of scientists to explore the mysteries of the universe.

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