Protoctists and Fungi


Protoctists and Fungi

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Cell organization of protista is

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Example of deuteromycota is

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Fusion of cytoplasm is called as

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On the basis of mode of nutrition, zooflagellates are

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Ciliates reproduce sexually by

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Coenocytes contain

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Habitat of free living amoeba is

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Protista are believed as precursors of

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Trypanosomes and Leishmanias are disease causing

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Haustoria are characteristic feature of

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The amoeboid stage of slime mold is

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Example of zooflagellates is

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Fungi are classified into ___________ main groups

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Protoctista having isomorphic alternation of generation

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Aspergillus reproduce asexually by

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Fusion of nucleus is called as

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Organ of locomotion of paramecium is

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All members of green algae have the pigment combination

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Example of ascomycota is

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The most important cellulose degraders in ecosystem are

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The study of fungi is called

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Plant body of algae is

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___________ are edible fungi

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Ulva is commonly called

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___________ is used for producing soya sauce.

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Which of the following is true about the Kingdom Protoctista

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Example of Zygomycota is

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The major grouping of protozoa is based upon their

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___________ is used as antibiotic

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Sex organs of algae are

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Example of free living sessile flagellate is

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Lichen is a symbiotic relationship between

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Number of flagella present in ulva are

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