


1 / 40

Colour of stain of gram positive bacteria is

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Gram positive bacterial peptidoglycan layer is

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Conjugation is facilitated by

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The prokaryotes may have evolved from ancestors called

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Nature of disinfectants is

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Death rate becomes greater than reproduction rate during

7 / 40

Exposure to flame or destroy bacteria by burning called

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Overall thickness is greater in

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When habitat conditions become harsh and nutrients are exhausted the development is initiated called

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Flagella are present on both poles in

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Two planes are present in

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Shape of a spirilla is

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Permeability is greater in

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xygen is needed for the respiration of

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Capsule of bacteria is composed of

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Prokaryotic cell lacks

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Flagella surround whole body in

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Largest of bacteria are

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Plasmids are composed of

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Ancient bacteria are termed as

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Bacteria of pneumonia are

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Photoautotrophic anaerobe bacteria have bacteriochlorophyll and another pigment

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One flagellem is present in

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Shape of bacterial DNA is

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Nitrification is performed by

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Chromatin material of prokaryotic cell is present in

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Number of major layers present in gram positive bacteria are

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Mesosomes are involved in

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Flagella are originated from

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The earliest undisputed evidence of life on earth dates at least from

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Bacteria show several types of movements such as flexing, spinning, free swimming and creeping are called

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Flexibility is found in

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Cholera is caused by the bacteria

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Three planes are present in

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True bacteria are termed as

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Shape of a bacillus is

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Spores external to vegetative cells are termed as

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Smallest of bacteria are

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One of the first chemical to be used for disinfection

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Nitrogen-fixing bacterium lives in the roots of such plants as Pea is

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