Acellular Life


Acellular Life

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The world virus means

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Viruses always reproduce inside

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Reverse transcriptases are present in

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Smaller than viruses having single stranded RNA with some double stranded regions are called

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Structure absent in naked virus is

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Lysozyme is released during

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Envelope of retrovirus is provided by

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The pathogenicity of a virus depends upon

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Single-stranded RNA is converted into double stranded DNA by

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Virus for influenza is

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Bacteriophages grow on

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Bacteriophages escape from host cell by the activity of

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Phage which causes lysis of host is termed as

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Virus for herpes simplex contain

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Central core of nucleic acid is termed as

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Number of strands of RNA present in retrovirus are

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The smaller proteins are cut down and forms a new virus structure by the process called

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Genome is consisted of

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Herpes simplex occurs in

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Meaning of venome is

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HIV can be transmitted through

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Phage incorporated with bacterial chromosome is termed as

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HIV dose not cause infection in

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Capsid is consisted of

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Viruses evolve by using the

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Smallest known viruses are

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Shape of T.M. virus is

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Dengue fever, encephalitis and yellow fever are caused by which group of viruses?

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Viruses grow on

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Tail of virus consists of

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Major component of human immune system is

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Aedes mosquito is the vector of

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Example of obligate intracellular parasite is

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First step in replication of bacteriophage is

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Proteins that cause pathogenicity in humans and animals called3

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Shape of virion is maintained by

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Virus that severely damage motor neurons and causes paralysis called

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HIV causes the spread of

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HIV causes the infection of

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