


1 / 20

I __________ a new laptop four days ago.

2 / 20

Maryia always _________ an apple jam in her breakfast.

3 / 20

Students __________ their note books.

4 / 20

Yum! this burger _______ good.

5 / 20

I _____ Waqar’s brother.

6 / 20

Yousaf has already ________ football.

7 / 20

I _______ gifts for children every Eid.

8 / 20

I __________ Mr Rita at nine last night, but he was not at home.

9 / 20

Kabeer had already finished his task when his boss _______.

10 / 20

Zakir is _______ typing right now.

11 / 20

He’s _______ bragging about himself.

12 / 20

Qaisar __________ television every day


13 / 20

Hens ________ eggs.

14 / 20

Water ________ of hydrogen and oxygen.

15 / 20

It snows in Muree. ( Identify the tense)

16 / 20

The Prime Minister ________ talking about the economical situation in the country.

17 / 20

My classmates ______ practicing. ( put the correct present continuous tense helping

18 / 20

The children are being awfully ______ today.

19 / 20

Zeenab watched a drama serial on T.V.
The above sentence belongs to:

20 / 20

I _________ already eaten today.

Your score is



Tenses are an essential aspect of language that allow us to convey the time at which an action, event, or state occurs. They play a crucial role in expressing ideas clearly and accurately in both spoken and written communication. Tenses help indicate whether something happened in the past, is happening in the present, or will happen in the future, as well as the duration and timing of an action or state.
In English, there are three primary tenses: past, present, and future. Each tense can be further categorized into four aspects: simple, continuous (also known as progressive), perfect, and perfect continuous (or progressive). This results in a total of twelve tenses:
1. Simple Present: Used to describe actions that are habitual, factual, or general truths.
Example: She sings beautifully.


2. Present Continuous: Describes actions that are happening at the moment of speaking or ongoing actions.
Example: They are watching a movie right now.

3. Present Perfect: Indicates actions that were completed at some unspecified time in the past or have relevance to the present.
Example: I have finished my homework.
4. Present Perfect Continuous: Shows actions that started in the past and are still continuing or have just stopped.
Example: He has been studying for two hours.
5. Simple Past: Refers to actions completed in the past.
Example: They traveled to Europe last summer.
6. Past Continuous: Describes actions that were ongoing in the past at a specific point in time.
Example: She was reading a book when I called her.
7. Past Perfect: Indicates actions completed before a certain point or another action in the past.
Example: By the time I arrived, they had already eaten dinner.
8. Past Perfect Continuous: Shows actions that started in the past and continued up to a certain point or were ongoing before another action.
Example: He had been waiting for over an hour when she finally arrived.
9. Simple Future: Used to describe actions that will occur in the future.
Example: We will meet tomorrow.
10. Future Continuous: Describes actions that will be ongoing at a specific time in the future.
Example: This time next week, I will be traveling to Paris.
11. Future Perfect: Indicates actions that will be completed by a certain point in the future.
Example: By next year, she will have graduated from college.
12. Future Perfect Continuous: Shows actions that will have been ongoing up to a certain point in the future.
Example: By the time you arrive, I will have been waiting for two hours.
Understanding and using tenses correctly is crucial for effective communication, as it helps convey precise meanings and timelines in various contexts. Mastery of tenses allows speakers and writers to express themselves accurately and clearly, enhancing their ability to communicate effectively in any situation.
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Understanding the importance of tenses is vital for effective communication in any language. Tenses enable speakers and writers to convey precise timing and sequence of events, helping to clarify meaning and avoid ambiguity. Mastery of tenses allows individuals to express themselves accurately in various contexts, whether in casual conversations, academic writing, or professional communication. Moreover, tenses play a significant role in language proficiency tests, where multiple-choice questions (MCQs) often assess candidates’ ability to recognize and use different tenses correctly. Therefore, a solid understanding of tenses not only enhances communication skills but also contributes to success in language proficiency examinations.
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