English Grammar Test 3


English Grammar Test 3

1 / 50

You are paying less attention to your studies than you used to do. What is “less” in this

2 / 50

I — Sidra yesterday?

3 / 50

A small enclosure for cattle, sheep, poultry etc. is called as —–?

4 / 50

“Hold one’s horse” means—–?

5 / 50

action of killing King is called——?

6 / 50

Antonym of “Lenient” is ——-?

7 / 50

The population of Pakistan is less than that of China. What is “less” in this sentence?

8 / 50

Antonym of FALLACY is —–?

9 / 50

Antonym of ” Applicable ” is ——-?

10 / 50

He cut his finger—- the knife

11 / 50

Nobody —- that old man had fallen?

12 / 50

I always praise him for his merits, but he always turns—–you pointing out your demerits

13 / 50

You must bear—-his pranks?

14 / 50

Synonym of abandon is ——-?

15 / 50

We can’t believe it. The story is — believable?

16 / 50

My father wanted —– study?

17 / 50

” Infallible ” refers to the one who is free from all —–?

18 / 50

ErrorThe man —– you met is an anchorperson?

19 / 50

Salutation : Farewell ::

20 / 50

She’s angry — you?

21 / 50

Fear of closed places:

22 / 50

We decided to do all the task — instead of waiting for help?

23 / 50

He want five thousand dollars to buy a car. He won’t be satisfied with less. What is “less” in
this sentence?

24 / 50

We are accountable —–God for our actions?

25 / 50

I am famous —-honesty where javed is notorious for dishonesty?

26 / 50

Which parts of speech shows the relationship of noun or pronoun with the rest of the

27 / 50

He is serious—-visiting Islamabad?

28 / 50

there is a limit—- everything in life

29 / 50

Antonym of BRUSQUE is ——-?

30 / 50

“Give cold shoulder” means—–?

31 / 50

What is the Synonym of “Ravage?

32 / 50

Synonym of Kidnap is ——-?

33 / 50

It is —- today?

34 / 50

Which parts of speech describes where, when and how an action happens?

35 / 50

Look, It —-?

36 / 50

Antonym of ” Pessimistic ” is ——-?

37 / 50

His office is always in apple-pie order. What does the idiom/phrase “apple-pie order” means?

38 / 50

—— you work very hard, you cannot pass. (KPPSC 2018 paper)

39 / 50

Synonym of PARAGON is ——-?

40 / 50

Choose the correct spelling for the missing word: My —— needs to be paid every month?

41 / 50

I’m — pleased with it?

42 / 50

Synonym of Abrupt is ——-?

43 / 50

One-Trick Pony means

44 / 50

I am tired—-waiting?

45 / 50

Afridi plays the Harmonium and the sitar is—-also?

46 / 50

He is very poor. What is “Very” in this sentence?

47 / 50

Synonym of backbone is ——-?

48 / 50

I’m getting late — office?

49 / 50

Synonym of “GAINSAY” is ——-?

50 / 50

Pronoun is used to avoid unnecessary repetition of —— in a sentence?

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