Computer Operator Job Test 1


Computer Operator Job Test 1

1 / 50

 What type of operating system MS-DOS is?

2 / 50

After whom Wordsworth became the Poet Laureate of England ?

3 / 50

The source of Godavari River is _________?

4 / 50

Which technology is used in compact disks?

5 / 50

Main memory is also known as?

6 / 50

Which is the City of Hot Weather?

7 / 50

Who was the last Guru of Sikhism?

8 / 50

Citizen King of France was __________

9 / 50

_____ is called the father of digital Modern computers.

10 / 50

If a computer has more than one processor then it is known as ____.

11 / 50

After processing input computer gives us some useful information which is known as?

12 / 50

The river which originates and as well as end in the territory of India

13 / 50

The main operation of a computer includes?

14 / 50

Another term used for data processing is?

15 / 50

Which term do not provide free E-mail?

16 / 50

 A computer is a combination of hardware and

17 / 50

Select the easiest way of communication?

18 / 50

 In flowchart diamond symbol represents?

19 / 50

Which one is a Digital device, select from the choices below?

20 / 50

A website is a combination of

21 / 50

CD_ROM stands for ____.

22 / 50

. Who is the father of Computer Science?

23 / 50

Typing errors in a programming language is an example of?

24 / 50

When was the first Blackberry smartphone launched?

25 / 50

An electronic form of information that we can see on LCDs is called?

26 / 50

The main function of computer is to?

27 / 50

A country that has the news agency named as AGI is _________

28 / 50

______ river is the home for freshwater dolphins

29 / 50

Trailing clouds of glory do we come from God,

Who is our Home!”

This line is taken from which of the following  poem?

30 / 50

Multimedia is a mixture of?

31 / 50

Why is the year 1798 taken to be the year of the beginning of the Romantic Movement?

32 / 50

The printed form of information on some paper is?

33 / 50

________ is also known as Indus river .

34 / 50

Data and instruction that we give to the computer is?

35 / 50

The modern revolution in information technology is known as?

36 / 50

 The main operation of a computer includes?

37 / 50

The term “Computer” is derived from ____.

38 / 50

In which province of Pakistan, Bolan river is located______

39 / 50

Analog computer works on the supply of:

40 / 50

Wordsworth’s Prelude is a:

41 / 50

www abbreviation of;

42 / 50

_______ river does not flow through the Himalayas

43 / 50

National game of the Tajikistan is ______

44 / 50

 Which of the following option is NOT an input device?

45 / 50

Father of the taxonomy is _________

46 / 50

Internet was formed in the

47 / 50

Which type of poem is Laodamia?

48 / 50

What is the Antonym of Considerable?

49 / 50

The Indus river ends at________.

50 / 50

Which term is needed to create the internet?

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